Roots of Return CIC
Safeguarding Adults Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy
Roots of Return CIC is committed to Safeguarding Adults in line with national legislation and relevant national and local guidelines. We will safeguard adults by ensuring that our services are delivered in a way which keeps all adults safe.
Roots of Return CIC is committed to creating a culture of zero-tolerance of harm to adults which necessitates: the recognition of adults who may be at risk and the circumstances which may increase risk; knowing how adult abuse, exploitation or neglect manifests itself; and being willing to report safeguarding concerns.
Roots of Return CIC is committed to best safeguarding practice and to uphold the rights of all adults to live a life free from harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect. The purpose of this policy is:
• To protect vulnerable adults who receive Roots of Return services from harm.
• To provide the team and volunteers, as well as stakeholders including service users, with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding vulnerable adults.
This policy is mandatory and applies to all our team, (sessional and contracted), external supervisors, consultants, and volunteers at Roots of Return CIC. It is essential that all our team, volunteers, service users, donors and the general public are aware of its central messages and any duties/responsibilities it places upon them. This policy refers to people over the age of 18.
Legal framework
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect vulnerable adults in England including:
Care Act 2014
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures, edition 4
Making Safeguarding Personal approach
The Six Key Principles
Roots of Return CIC adhered to the six key principles that underpin safeguarding work:
Proportionality (The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented).
Roots of Return CIC will ensure that their work reflects the principles above and ensure the adult with care and support needs is involved in decisions and informed consent is obtained. Roots of Return CIC will ensure that the safeguarding action agreed is the least intrusive response to the risk. Roots of Return CIC also will ensure that partners from the community will be involved in any safeguarding work in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse and this should be transparent and accountable in delivering safeguarding actions. Roots of Return CIC will ensure that adults are involved in their safeguarding arrangements and that each individual is dealt with on a case by case basis. As adults may have different preferences, histories and life styles, the same process may not work for all.
Key Safeguarding contact
Named Person Responsible for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults: Roots of Return Director Person In Control
We believe that:
Everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect and we recognise the additional intersections and needs that may arise from age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status;
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and we are committed to prevent abuse and neglect through safeguarding the welfare of all adults and to practise in a way that protects them;
Health, well-being, ability, disability and need for care and support can affect a person’s resilience. We recognise that some people experience barriers, for example, to communication in raising concerns or seeking help. We recognise that these factors can vary at different points in people's lives.
Actions taken by Roots of Return staff and volunteers will be consistent with the principles of adult safeguarding ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects the voice of the adult concerned.
We recognise that:
There is a legal framework within which our service needs to work to safeguard adults who have needs for care and support and for protecting those who are unable to take action to protect themselves and will act in accordance with the relevant safeguarding adult legislation and with local statutory safeguarding procedures.
Safeguarding vulnerable adults is a part of the wider role of safeguarding and promoting welfare. This refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect specific vulnerable adults who are suffering or are at risk of suffering significant harm. As the Roots of Return CIC staff and volunteers, we have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable adults and promote their welfare.
It is the right of adults who have mental capacity to make their own choices, irrespective of how unwise we may consider certain decisions to be. Roots of Return adopts the Mental Capacity Act 2005 presumption of mental capacity, unless a person’s apparent comprehension of a situation gives rise to doubt. We recognise the of people to make their own decisions. The mental capacity of the adult concerned to consent to information being shared is a key element in considering any onward disclosure to another agency. This is important in helping us to take appropriate and proportionate action in response to a concern.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults – and in particular protecting them from significant harm - depends upon effective joint working between agencies and professionals that have different roles and expertise. Some of the most vulnerable adults and those at greatest risk of social exclusion, will need co-ordinated help from health, education, social care, and quite possibly the voluntary sector and other agencies, including justice services.
In applying these principles we aim to:
Prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs.
Stop abuse or neglect wherever possible.
Safeguard adults in a way that supports them in making choices and having control about how they want to live.
Promote an approach that concentrates on improving life for the adults concerned. ​
The Roots of Return CIC team aims to be open and inclusive. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution.
The Roots of Return CIC team will have compulsory statutory training in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults once every three years. Additionally, those who are in frontline roles and those who support operational staff will have yearly refresher training with an emphasis on best practice and internal procedure.
Supervision and Support
Roots of Return CIC is committed to providing effective management and support for staff and volunteers through supervision to identify any gaps in practice or knowledge in relation to safeguarding. Safeguarding is covered in team meetings and within supervision.
All safeguarding concerns, actions and correspondence will be stored professionally and securely in line with data protection legislation and guidance.
Safe environment
Staff will ensure that we provide a safe physical environment for vulnerable adults, staff and volunteers, by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance.
Practical Actions
When there is concern regarding the welfare of those attending groups and especially adults with care and support needs, all team members and volunteers should contact the ASG Lead for all concerns/queries they have in regards to safeguarding adults. A log of the concern will be kept.
Take emergency action if someone is at immediate risk of harm/in need of urgent medical attention. Dial 999 for emergency services.
Get brief details about what has happened and what the adult would like done about it, but do not probe or conduct a mini-investigation.
Explain The Roots of Return CIC ASG policy and procedures.
Seek consent from the adult to take action and to report the concern. 5. Consider whether the adult may lack capacity to make decisions about their own and other people’s safety and well-being. If you decide to act against their wishes or without their consent, you must record your decision and the reasons for this
Report to the lead (ASG) within the day of the concern.7. The ASG Lead and the organisation should ensure that the adult with care and support needs is involved at all stages of their safeguarding enquiry ensuring a person-centred approach is adopted.
If the allegation is against one of team report to ASG Lead, report to ES ASC team. The local authority Adult Social Care Team (ASC Team) will decide on who will lead on a safeguarding enquiry should it progress to that stage. The named organisation should not conduct its own safeguarding enquiry unless instructed to do so by the local authority.
Actions by ASG Lead
In making a decision whether to refer or not, the ASG Lead should take into account:
The adult’s wishes and preferred outcome .
Whether the adult has mental capacity to make an informed decision about their own and others’ safety.
The safety or well-being of children or other adults with care and support needs.
Whether there is a person in a position of trust involved.
Whether a crime has been committed.
This should inform the decision whether to notify the concern to the following people:
Police: if a crime has been committed.
East Sussex Adult Social Care regarding possible safeguarding enquiry. Professionals allocated to the person concerned.
Family/relatives as appropriate (advice from adult ESASC ).
Keep a record of the reasons for referring the concern or reasons for not referring. Roots of Return CIC will send acknowledgement of the referral and brief feedback to the person raising the original concern. Feedback should be given in a way that will not make the situation worse or breach the Data Protection Act. If the police are involved, they should be consulted prior to giving feedback to the referrer to ensure any criminal investigation is not affected.